The Hong Kong College of Mental Health Nursing (College) was established in 1998 by a group of mental health nurses in Hong Kong with the following objectives:
- To promote the development of professional knowledge and competence by organizing educational and professional activities.
- To advise the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and other appropriate authorities on matters related to mental health nursing development and mental health services in Hong Kong.
- To facilitate exchange of professional knowledge and experience among members through networking with local and international professional bodies.

Councillors of the college
Councilors of the College (2022 - 2025):
Dr. the Honourable LEONG Che-hung, GBM, GBS, OBE, JP
Honorary Advisors:
Prof. Sally CHAN, President of Tung Wah College
Dr. Danny Wah-kun Tong, Chief Manager (Nursing) Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
Prof. Sylvia Yuk-kuen FUNG, President, The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing & Midwifery Ltd, Hong Kong
Prof. Eric CHEN, Emeritus Professor Honorary Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Frances HUGHES, Chief Nursing and Midwifery, Department of Health, Queensland Health Advisor, Australia
President: Mr. MAK Kwok-fung, Michael | Vice-President: Ms. TO Yuen-fung |
Secretaries: Mr. WU Wai-kin, William Ms. MO Chor-ha | Treasurers: |
Council Members: |
CNE Provider
The Hong Kong College of Mental Health Nursing (College) is an accredited Continuing Nursing Education Provider of the Hong Kong Nursing Council. The College conducts education activities, such as seminars, workshops, courses and educational visits, to serve the learning needs of mental health nurses in Hong Kong. The College also supports members’ professional development by providing sponsorship to nursing conferences or courses. The College is a core member of the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Preparatory Committee with an aim to establish a statutory body to regulate advanced nursing practice. To keep abreast with the development of mental health nursing, the College has established networks with local, national and international professional nursing organisations and groups. All these works require support and participation from members. We look forward to joining hands with you to promote mental health of the Hong Kong community through the enhancement of standards of mental health nursing care.
Member of World Federation for Mental Health
The Hong Kong College of Mental Health Nursing is a member of World Federation of Mental Health.
Collaboration Between WFMH and Leon